Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Learning Experience

As of this moment, I've lived in LA for three months, had four internships, volunteered as a reader for a production company and got a VERY part-time and low-paid gig reading scripts for a screenwriting competition.  And as of this moment, none of those experiences even smell like they will lead to a full-time job in the near future.  However, they have been the learning experiences that they were designed to be.

In Chicago, I believed that I wanted to be a development executive.  Therefore, I got internships that were related to development.  I got lots of experience reading and writing coverage for feature films, which is how I was able to get the job with the screenwriting competition.

My experience with applying for development jobs and talking to people in the industry have led me to believe that I  should currently pursue a career in management.  The comments from the last blog had me considering starting my own management company.  But I have learned that the best way to meet people in the industry, is to work in the industry.

I've certainly been able to meet people in the industry outside of my internships.  In fact, almost everyone I've ever met in the industry has come from Columbia College Chicago networking events or someone I knew personally that introduced me to other people who introduced me to other people...and so on.  I especially enjoyed meeting a producer from Glee, my favorite show, at a 4th of July barbecue.

So obviously, if I want to meet more people in the industry through my internships, I need a new internship.  I just got an email about a management internship five minutes ago, so we will see how that pans out.  Though my internships don't appear to be leading to anything solid, I now have great references, experience, and something to do during the day to keep me sane.

So in this place of gratitude and appreciation,  I know everything is all good right now, and will continue to be good.  I appreciate all of the good job vibes you all have been sending out, and I'm happy to continue to receive them.  Don't forget to update your subscription settings to get notifications about blog updates.  Feel free to comment here, as opposed to Facebook.  'Til next time...